• To the right of the entance to the Willibrordus abbey, with a small statue of franciscan brothers on a pilar in front. Part of the abbey in the back with green bushes in front and tower bell in the middle.
    Abbey,  Doetinchem,  Netherlands

    A visit to the Willibrordus Abbey

    Every year, a few other volunteers and I prepare youths for their confirmation. One of the things we do with them is visit a monastry, in the theme of mission. We have visited several over the years, we had a visit to the Willibrordus Abbey in Doetinchem in 2014, 2018 and 2019. We had a tour by a monk/lay brother each time. Where to go for a visit to the Willibrordus abbey The Abbey is located on Slangenburg estate, in the vincinity of Slangenburg Castle. On a winding gravel road you arrive at the Willibrordus abbey. You can park in front of the abbey or at the back. The Abbey…