
  • To show a funny picture from Christmas in Jordan. A camel head with a Santa hat on it.
    Aqaba,  Christmas,  desert,  Groupstour,  Jordan,  Kids,  Wadi Rum

    Christmas in Jordan

    Last Updated: October 31st 2024. We usually spend Christmas with family in Germany. However in 2015 we did Christmas a little bit different. We were in Jordan, so had whole other surroundings, people and weather. We loved our Christmas in Jordan. It was magical and festive on another way. Not with Christmas lights, dark and stormy weather, but desert, sea, camels, desert cold and red sea warmth. Christianity in Jordan First some background. Jordan is a country in the Middle East. Neighbouring to IsraĆ«l, Palestine, Syria, Irak and Saudi-Arabia. Christians have been living in Jordan for centuries. About 6% of the population are Christians, among them Roman Catholics, Syrian-orthodox, Armenian-orthodox,…