23 Tips for Surviving a Road Trip with a Kid Ideas
After giving tips on how to road trip with a toddler and a road trip with a baby, now we have tips for a road trip with a child. I’ve asked fellow travel bloggers for their road trip with a kid ideas. Road Trip Kid Ideas Whether on a USA road trip with child or crossing Europe, you need road trip kid activities to keep them entertained. So here are our 23 tips for a road trip with a kid. Flexibility 1. Picnic lunches Contributed by Cosette from KarsTravels. When on our road trip from New York to Orlando we had a lot of picnic lunches. This gave us more…
19 Tips for Surviving a Road Trip with a Toddler
Last week we gave tips for a road trip with a baby. But after that first your kid enters the toddler phase, which is totally different, how to survive a road trip with a toddler? So I’ve asked fellow travel bloggers for their tips for a road trip with a toddler. Road Trip with a Toddler We’ve come up with road trip activities for toddler, road trip toddler toys that are the best and the schedule for a road trip with toddler. Schedule 1. Stick to their schedule Contributed by Adriane from Put on Your Party Pants. Toddlers are tough. They are the sweetest people alive one minute, and inconsolable…
16 Tips for Surviving a Road Trip with a Baby
Going on your first road trip with a baby can be a little bit scary. Will your baby respond well to it or will you have a crying or fussy baby the whole time? It was indeed a bit scary for us when we went on our first long trip with our baby at 4 months old. All went well, although completely different then when it was just the two of us. To give you the best advice and peace of mind before embarking on a road trip with baby. I’ve asked fellow travel bloggers (well-seasoned travelers with a baby or babies) what their best tips are for road trips.…