Street Art Utrecht: larger than life and small works
It’s so much fun and a great surprise when you turn a corner and there’s a beautiful or funny mural on a wall. Whether it’s a small cute one or a larger than life one. Lately, I’ve been exploring the street art of Utrecht, my hometown. A city in the middle of The Netherlands. There are more than I expected there to be. Let’s dive into street art Utrecht, area by area. Street Art Utrecht Northwest Books: On Amsterdamsestraatweg is this famous piece from JanIsDeMan. It’s 3 book shelfs with books that are favorites of the people in the neighbourhood. The mural went viral after being finished. Otter: A mural…
Where to eat in Utrecht
My hometown, Utrecht. A beautiful city I love and lived in for the last 21 years. We’ve been out for dinner so many times here, that a list of places to eat in Utrecht isn’t difficult to make. Just don’t expect it to be short! Options to eat in Utrecht Utrecht being a city with a university, science park and several colleges makes for a lively restaurant scene, with inexpensive options to eat. The restaurants on this list vary from cheap eats to more expensive. I’ve divided them up in sections of Utrecht. When exploring the restaurants in Utrecht, combine it with a street art tour in Utrecht. Lunetten The…
8 Things to do in Utrecht with Kids
Last Updated: September 9th 2024. Utrecht is a fun city to live in, I’ve been living here for 25 years and loved the city since I moved here for attending university. We decided to raise our son here and have no regrets. There’s plenty to do with kids of all ages. When they’re toddlers as well as preschoolers. I will name just a few of the fun things to do in Utrecht with kids. Both Yuri and us enjoyed these 8 things immensely. Utrecht is one of the best cities in the Netherlands to visit, so if you’re visiting with young kids, check out this list. 1.Spoorwegmuseum One of our…